Day Dreamer

Day Dreamer


Sunday, April 17, 2011


With a array of leading stars and a director duo famous for mindless comedies , china town carried pretty much good expectation but the film to make it light fails to deliver .
china town based in goa is a casino paradise . starting off in a flash back mode it shows four friends boozing and celebrating and then gets brutally killed by gowda , a under world don played by ghajini fame pradeep rawat .

Years later one among the four returns to goa with a mission to find out three boys of his friends and hand over the casino and his daughter .
enters mohan lal whose ultimate dream is to be a don , jayaram desperately seeking money and a skirt chaser , dileep .

first half is more of the three reaching goa and getting the things set . on comparison this part is watchable as it manages to evoke some genuine laugh but too bad it's too little . it's the second half which proves to be a nightmare with film getting bit serious and everything just goes beyond control . every actor screams their lungs out in the name of comedy and one shouldn't be poked fun if they complain head ache .

the screenplay of the film has too many loop holes what with songs , action , comedy and sentiments popping up all out of the blue with out in any particular order . the script displays the fact that our writers are running short of ideas at alarming rate otherwise how would one justify cut-copy-paste pattern followed blindly .

mohan lal and jayaram trying to make dileep react when on wheel chair is a straight lift from vinayan's anuraga kottaram which incidentally had dileep enacting the scene . then there are regular gigs like twisting dialogues which have been done to death from punjabi house days .

mohanlal's role surprisingly doesn't provide much comedy in this so-called comic film but then he of course is projected as the central protagonist .if not for that odd wig , utterly idiotic introduction scene after christian brothers and eye soaring heavy dance with over sized look , he has done his part well. jayaram is passable with a funny wig and dileep though over the top many a times is likable . suraj repeats his act and smells of a turn over couldn't be ignored and yes .. the heroines as usual they have nothing to do .songs of jassie gift are just fine may be and the production values are tacky .

screen play is to be blamed for this fiasco as it is more like home bred dog let out in public road like fully puzzled on which direction to follow . the worst part of comedy is that if it fails to tick then it becomes tedious to sit through .

like the stars kept on saying in the promotions they didn't feel like doing a film as it was more of picnic . yep ..they were right . lack of seriousness was evident in the films script .

and what was the sumo wrestler and idea star singer gang doing in the film.

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